Project: N8 N9
Scope: Structural Alterations
Duration: 15 Weeks
Role: Subcontractor
Evolution where tasked with the internal rearrangement of 4 number duplex units into 2 number quadraplex units at the top of the nine elms towers on the 34th floor up to the 52nd floor and the roof. the works required extensive planning due the the remains floors being ocupied for the duration of the works. Works included:
Cutting of new stair and lift opening
Service penetrations to all floors
new access opening to roof levels
Casting of new reinforced stairs, lift overruns and base slabs​​
Alterations to doors and lift openings
Scaffold access provisions
Temporary works design and installation
Project: Wrens Cross
Scope: Enabling
Duration: 26 Weeks
Evolution were contacted due to the buildings on site being unstable.
As a result of initial surveys we undertook back propping and structural support works enabling access and further works. We were then tasked with the full structural remediation of the salvageable parts of the listed building and the construction of new internal and external structural elements. The building was adjoined to a funeral directors and morgue, which also required significant temporary works to prevent structural collapse.
Our scope of works included:
Surveying for structural stability
Temporary and emergency propping
Construction of new floors and walls
All new structural timber elements
The works required significant planning and co-ordination with our temporary works engineers, clients, structural engineers and historic England.
Project: University of East Anglia
Scope: Structural Alterations
Duration: 2 Weeks
Evolution were tasked with the formation of various different openings in new and existing walls at the UEA.
Works involved:
Track sawing
Ring sawing
Demolition of infills
Temporary works for propping
Removal of waste
Works also required the drilling of new services penetration for the various new M+E routes with the structure.
These works encompassed detailed traffic management planning with the local authority, the client and the various other contractors in the area. Deep excavations in the highways were designed, planned and managed to ensure safe works with all 278-works undertaken in house.
Project: HSQ3
Scope: Structural Alterations
Duration: 2 Weeks
As part of a wider enabling project Evolution were tasked with forming a large opening in an existing piled wall within a live car park.
The works required surveying and temporary works assessment to understand the structural stability of the existing capping beam and the subsequent wire sawing through the piled wall to form a new double width traffic opening for a car park.